The main menu sections in Hex Safe.


Hex Safe offers the main menu at the top of the screen for the most common features of the platform. The visible menu options will vary depending on your role. You can learn more about user roles here.

Deposit - this is a section where you can get a deposit address for a specific asset or initiate a deposit into your accounts. To learn more about depositing assets into Hex Safe, please check this article.

Withdrawal - this is a section where you can initiate a withdrawal from your accounts. To learn more about withdrawing assets from Hex Safe, please check this article.

History - this section shows history and status of Incoming transactions, Deposit Requests, Withdrawals and Staking transactions. For more details about the transaction history, please check this article

Dashboard - this is a summary page where account balances can be viewed with a breakdown of sub accounts, assets and wallet types.

Control Center - in this action inbox you can see all the actions that require attention, such as Authy approval or signing and releasing of transactions with Yubikeys. You can check your pending notifications in the Control Center whenever you expect an activity to be happening with assets. Have a look at examples of activities in the Control Center below:

2FA Overviews v3_4. Yubikey ZeroKey (1)

2FA Overviews v3_3. Authy (1)



You could also access Complete Transaction Details to view more information about the transaction.