How can I cancel or reject an approved withdrawal?

Cancel any wallet withdrawal as an Initiator.
Reject a ZeroKey wallet withdrawal as an Operator. 

Cancel any wallet withdrawal as an Initiator.

If a withdrawal was initiated in Hex Safe and approved by one of your colleagues with the Approver role, you can cancel this withdrawal (before the verification call if you have it set up). Please follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to Hex Safe.
  2. Go to History and click on Withdrawal.
  3. Find the transaction (its status will be “Yubikeys In Progress”).
  4. Click on Details.
  5. Scroll down and click Cancel Withdrawal.

Reject a ZeroKey wallet withdrawal as an Operator. 

If a withdrawal was initiated in Hex Safe and approved by one of your colleagues with the Approver role, you can reject this withdrawal transaction by following the steps below:

  1. Log intoHex Safe via the desktop application (not the browser version).
  2. Go to the Control Center.
  3. Click on the “All” or “Yubikey” section of the Control Center panel.
  4. Insert your Yubikey and click on the “Reject Transaction” button (the button becomes red when Yubikey is inserted properly).
  5. You can view your transaction details as displayed in the video below.