What is the Hex Safe desktop app and how can I set it up?

Hex Safe Desktop Application

The Hex Safe desktop application is used to release withdrawals from ZeroKey wallets. It is therefore only needed by users with the Operator role.

Important: if a user tries to release a withdrawal from the browser it won't work.

To install the Hex Safe application follow the instructions for your operating system below. Once installed, please input your login credentials and complete 2FA. 

  1. Click here for MacOS

  2. Click here for Windows

  3. For Linux please check instructions below👇

Please run the following commands in a Terminal window:

# The following command automates installer downloading

# and installation.

# The script will ask for 'root'/'sudo' password to complete installation.

curl -s https://updates.hexsafe.io/installer/linux/linux-installer-x86-64.sh | bash

# Reboot/restart your computer. sudo reboot

After a successful machine restart, you shall be able to locate the Hex Safe application on the list of applications or you may start the application by entering ‘hexsafe’​ command in a terminal window.