What is a log file and how can I access it?

Log files are automatically generated by your computer when an application-specific event is produced by your operating system. These files help our Tech team understand, investigate, and address Yubikey issues.

To access log files please ensure that you have the Hex Safe desktop application installed.

Follow the steps below for your operating system.





  1. On your Desktop Press Command + T or Command + N on your keyboard to open a new Finder window.
  2. Click Go on the menu bar at the top and select Go to Folder…
  3. Input “~/Library/Logs/hexsafe/log.log” in the address bar and press Enter on your keyboard.


  1. On your Desktop Press Windows logo key + E on your keyboard to open File Explorer.
  2. Input “%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\hexsafe\log.log” in the address bar and press Enter.


  1. Open Files. 
  2. Input “~/.config/hexsafe/log.log” in the search bar