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How do I withdraw assets from Hex Safe v2?

How to withdraw assets

Digital Asset Withdrawals

There are five stages in the process of completing a withdrawal: 

  1. Initiation
  2. Approval
  3. Authorisation
  4. Signing
  5. Release

Step one, two, and four are common to both Cold Wallets and Warm Wallets.
Only the first two steps involve you as a user, as Hex Trust, your trusted custodian, takes care of the rest. 

Initiating Token withdrawals

A withdrawal request can only be initiated by a Hex Safe v2 user with an Initiator User Role.

Initiating a withdrawal on Hex Safe v2 does not vary based on your specific wallet type.


Steps to a withdraw a digital asset:

  1. Click "Withdraw" on the Navigation Bar on the Dashboard.

  2. Click "Tokens"

  3. Choose the token you wish to withdraw. Please take note of the tokens and their blockchain networks which are supported on Hex Safe v2.

    1. List of supported tokens on Hex Safe v2 can be found here.
    2. If you have a token that you would like us to support, you can send a written request to support@hextrust.com.
  4. Select the Network for the transaction

    Be careful with choosing the token network: Ensure the token is being sent on a blockchain network supported by the receiver and the accompanying account address used to receive the token. If tokens are withdrawn using the wrong network, there is a chance that the funds will not reach the recipient. Read more here.

  5. Select the Hex Safe v2 Account from which you will withdraw the token and click "Continue."
  6. Select or Paste the Recipient’s Wallet Address.

    1. If you wish to withdraw to an internal Account, you can simply select the internal Account from the available list. 


    2. If you are withdrawing to an external Account, you can paste the recipient’s wallet address.


  7. Input the Amount of tokens. You can manually type the amount or use the ‘Max’ button to withdraw all available tokens within your selected Hex Safe v2 Account
  8. Set a Network Fee for the withdrawal. You can choose from the predetermined network fees based on our calculations: slow, average or fast transaction speed depending on the urgency of your withdrawal. 

    Note: Network Fees are dynamic and always changing depending on how congested the blockchain network is. You can also manually set a Network Fee based on your personal preference.

    1. For Ethereum Virtual Machine Chains (i.e. Ethereum, Polygon, etc.), this consists of setting the Max Base Fee (GWEI), Priority Fee (GWEI), and Gas Limit.

    2. For Bitcoin and UTXO-based blockchains, this fee consists of Sat/Byte.

      Optional: You can provide a Note for internal reference purposes.
  9. You will then see the total amount of tokens including the network fee which will be withdrawn from your Hex Safe v2 Account.
  10. Click "Withdraw" to review the withdrawal.
  11. Once reviewed, click "Confirm Withdrawal."
  12. Before the Withdrawal is Initiated, you will need to confirm the Initiation as a two-factor authentication security measure. To do so, open your Hex Safe Mobile App and ensure you are logged in.
  13. On the Hex Safe Mobile App, you will see a withdrawal transaction which you will need to confirm that you initiated. Please ensure that you have reviewed the transaction prior to making a decision. Click "Confirm" / "Approve" and your withdrawal transaction has been initiated.

Approving Withdrawals

Withdrawal transactions would require Approvals in two scenarios:

  • Safe Account configured as Warm Wallets with an approval scheme.
  • Safe Accounts configured as Cold Wallets.

A withdrawal request can only be approved by a Hex Safe v2 user with an Approver User Role.

Approving a withdrawal on Hex Safe v2 does not vary depending on your specific wallet type.

  1. As an Approver, open your Hex Safe Mobile App and ensure you are logged in.
  2. You will see the pending withdrawal transactions that you will need to Approve or Reject.
  3. Depending on your choice, the withdrawal transaction will either be Approved or Rejected.

Cold Wallet Withdrawal Verification Call

When setting up your Enterprise, you can opt for verification calls to be mandatory anytime a request for a cold wallet withdrawal is made.

If you’ve opted-in, assigned individuals will be required to schedule and participate in a Verification Call. This call will be conducted by a member of the Hex Trust Client Operations team. In the confirmation of the verification call scheduling email, the assigned individuals will receive a verification code which they would need to reference during the call to verify their identity.