Trading on Hex Safe

Trading on Hex Safe provides an institutional-grade platform designed for secure and efficient digital asset trading. It features robust security, and advanced trading tools tailored for institutional clients.

How to access the Trading Platform on Hex Safe

  1. Pre-Approval: Ensure your Enterprise is eligible for Trading.
    1. If your Enterprise is enabled for Trading you should be able to access the Trading section from the bar on the left.
    1. If your Enterprise doesn’t look set up to trade, please contact your Relationship Manager or for more details.
  1. User Roles: Only users with relevant roles (Trader or Trade Viewer) can access the trading platform. For more details on User Roles, visit Hex Safe User Roles.
  2. Navigation:
    1. Go to the 'Trade' tab on the sidebar.
    2. Click on 'Trading'.

For a complete list of supported trading pairs, please visit this link.